Caregivers play a vital role in families and society.

But caring for a loved one can take a toll. You’ve probably experienced:

  • Increased stress
  • Overwhelm
  • Isolation
  • Less time for your family, friends – and yourself

It’s easy to get caught in a cycle of continuously giving more because you want so desperately to help.

But at some point, you need to take care of yourself. After all, caring for someone you love shouldn’t require sacrificing your own health, happiness and fulfillment.

The Intentional Care-Giver


One of the most important instructions you receive when flying on a plane is “Put your own oxygen mask on first – before helping others.”

The reason is simple: If you’ve passed out from lack of oxygen, you won’t be able to help anyone else.

The same principle applies when you’re a caregiver. You must take care of yourself first, or you won’t have anything left to give to your loved one.

I know … because I’ve been a caregiver for more than 20 years. I learned the hard way that proper self-care is essential to ensuring that you have the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bandwidth to care for another person in the way that you envision.

I’m here to help support you in establishing crucial self-care practices. I’ll also help you become a more intentional and purposeful caregiver.

By shifting from feeling that caregiving as a task or burden (one that you’ve perhaps accepted with some reluctance) … and instead viewing it as a powerful form of service that transforms your relationship – you’ll open to the beauty, joy and deeper meaning that caregiving offers.

Self-Care Coaching for Caregivers


  • Proven self-care strategies specifically designed for caregivers
  • Calls arranged around your caregiving schedule
  • As-needed email and telephone support between regularly scheduled calls
  • Personalized attention to address your unique caregiving and self-care challenges
  • Processes to help you connect with the deeper meaning of the role you’re filling
  • Insights to help you hold space as your loved one goes through his/her process around needing your care
  • Powerful communication strategies to help you connect with your loved one

The best way to explore how I can help support you is to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation strategic coaching session.